Sunday, May 31, 2009

Elsie turns 15 weeks old

Elsie hit the 15-week mark on Tuesday. Elsie's teachers at day care, Miss Kelli and Miss Margarita, say that Elsie is just the most gorgeous baby. They said that all of the teachers that come into the classroom just think she is so adorable! We think so too.

Elsie still loves standing! We have been searching for good toys for her. We got this one as a hand-me-down from the Filkins!
This one we found at a yard sale! I was so excited to have something to go yard-saleing for again! We found so many great toys and books on Memorial Day weekend!

And, of course, there is Elsie's favorite - parent-assisted standing! When using this technique, she loves to bite my fingers and rub them all over her gums. Wonder if she is teething. There is certainly a lot of drool!

1 comment:

  1. Kristi!

    Congratulations on Elsie's arrival! She's two weeks older than our daughter, Julia! It's so fun to see what we have to look forward to in just a couple of days with Elsie leading the way. You all look fabulous and happy and healthy. That's all anyone can ask for, right?

    We'll be tuned in for new updates! And maybe Elsie and Julia will be members of Cornell Field Hockey class of 2031 together. Wouldn't THAT be a trip?!

    Sully (aka in "adult life" Beth Walkenbach)
