Thursday, June 9, 2011

Duncan is 4 weeks old

Last Wednesday, Duncan turned 4 weeks old. I was sure to put him in all of his super cute 3-month outfits, since they are getting awfully small.
Still working on motor control!
The highlight of the week was certainly the visit from J-Ma and Papa Pete. The low point was Duncan's new routine of crying from 4pm - 10pm each night. At least we had extra hands to help keep us all sane!
Duncan is becoming more alert and can follow my face around. His eyes now open nice and wide - they are a gorgeous blue!

Elsie is still doing great as a big sister. She wants to see everything Duncan does - she wants to watch us change his diapers, see his spit-up, read books next to me when I am feeding him, and so on. It is really adorable!

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