Tuesday, January 28, 2014

DuPage Children's Museum

It has been a very cold winter, and the kids needed to get out of the house.  So, we went to the DuPage Children's Museum for the first time since Isaac was born.  We headed up to the second floor first, where were enjoyed the trains, an hour-long storytime, and the triangle mirror!

It was the first time Isaac had been in this mirror.  Elsie and Duncan had both experienced plenty of the triangle mirror at Elmhurst Academy and loved it as babies.  Well, Isaac did too!

Everyone climbed in to have fun with Isaac!

After lunch in the basement, we explored bubbles, water, air, electricity, and balls!  Elsie was a master at the bubbles.  I just couldn't get a good picture of her with a huge bubble.

And Duncan just loved filling up containers with water and dumping them out.

Both of the kids did a great job playing with the exhibits fairly independently.  That allowed them to explore different areas, while Isaac and I kept an eye on both of them.  And, now that Duncan has given up his nap, we were able to play there for 5 hours!  Much better than sitting at home once again!

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