On Tuesday, Elsie turned 27 weeks old. After several weeks of rolling from her back to her front, Elsie finally rolled from front to back (and has not repeated since). We were all very excited - Elsie really does not enjoy being on her tummy, so it will be good when she figures out how to fix the situation.
Our big milestone this week was baby food! We started with a few days of squash. Elsie loves it and will just keep eating if we don't stop her. Kind of like dad with cookies...
Elsie was baptized at the First United Methodist Church in Elmhurst last Sunday. We had lots of visitors for the big day and got a bunch of photos with Elsie in her beautiful gown (which J-Ma made for her)! Uncle Pete took photos during the actual ceremony, so once we get these we will be sure to post, as well.
Last Tuesday (Aug 11), Elsie turned 26 week old! The day prior (Aug 10), Elsie hit the 6-month mark! Elsie weighed in at 18 lbs, 2 oz. She is now 26" tall and her head is 42.9 cm in circumference.
Also during her 26th week, Elsie took her first trip to the pool! It is hard to tell from the photos, but Elsie had a lot of fun! And so did Mom - I went down the water slide during adult swim!
Elsie is getting really good at making a mess with her cereal. She does really well with both the rice cereal and oatmeal.
Elsie really enjoys piggy back rides. This is our latest go-to when Elsie is cranky or tired.
She has finally noticed the super cool comforter she takes these pictures on!
We have been having fun at the park, swinging on the swings.
Elsie is doing a great job sitting now. Look at her - a big girl in a big chair!
Elsie continues to get better with tummy time. She now reaches for the toys in front of her. Elsie can push her chest up off the ground and will squiggle a bit like she is thinking about crawling. Fun during the day, but less fun at night. Once Elsie is on her tummy, she just starts crying until one of us flips her onto her back.
Of course, her favorite thing to do is play with mom and dad!
And sometimes, even our big girl Elsie still falls asleep in my arms. So sweet!